Sex Addiction Therapy

Are You Unable To Stop Compulsive Sexual Behavior? Sex Addiction Therapy Can Help…

Are you struggling with pornography, compulsive masturbation, infidelity or other problematic sexual behaviors?

Have you made the decision to stop over and over telling yourself that you will never do it again, only do it again?

Do sexual fantasies and thoughts of acting out consume your mind?

Do you wonder if you will ever be able to stop? Or have a normal life?

It can be extremely painful and demoralizing to be engaging in compulsive sexual behavior and not be able to stop. Made worse by the stress of trying to hide these things from those that are closest to you. Feeling out of control and not being able to do anything about it can make you feel frustrated, angry and powerless. Sexual addiction is complex and it negatively affects almost all areas of life. Leaving so many mystified as to how to recover.

Sex Addiction Is More Common Than You Think…

Many people think they are the only ones that act out sexually the way they do. There is so much fear, shame and guilt involved that it can make them feel like they are unique and alone. But people who struggle with hypersexual disorder are not unique; this is a common problem. 

Between 3-5% of the population struggle with sexual addiction and 10.3% of men have clinically significant levels of sexually compulsive behavior.

Since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic there has been an 11.6% increase in use of internet pornography due to increased mental health issues and isolation. So many are seeking relief through internet pornography that there is an increased need for sex addiction treatment.

Consider how available pornography is on our devices. It’s understandable that sexual compulsion is so prevalent. Since sex is such a pleasurable experience one can see how easy it can be to become addicted. Many use sexual behavior to avoid pain, to “numb out” their feelings and a host of other reasons. This is why it is so important to work with a sex addiction therapist to uncover the underlying issues at the root of the problem.


Sex Addiction Therapy Can Help You Get Your Life Back In Order

The primary symptom of sex addiction is the inability to stop despite negative consequences. Making it difficult for people to stop without sex addiction treatment. Working with a counselor that specializes in sex addiction is an integral part in providing the support needed in the early stages of recovery. If you are unable to stop your behavior on your own it is likely that you need treatment and support. 

Working with me will provide you with the support and accountability you need to establish a core foundation in recovery while you go through my 4 phase treatment process:

1) Problem Solution Clarity: Understand the problem. Clarity on what sex addiction is and what it is not. Clarity on how to recover and stop the cycle of addiction.

2) Establishing Sexual Sobriety: Defining your bottom line behaviors. What is “sober”. Creating a behavioral recovery framework and accountability around this definition.

3) Treating The Sober Problem: Clear cut tools to grow and heal in mind, body & spirit. Guidance in uncovering the underlying issues.

4) Wellness Maintenance: A personalized daily routine is established to help maintain sobriety, wellness and continued growth for long term abstinence.

The focus is on providing you with support and accountability so you can quickly master recovery skills, develop a wellness routine, and simultaneously create inner healing for a more satisfying life experience.

My 12+ years of experience working in the addiction treatment field and my own personal experience overcoming sex addiction inform the work I do. If you struggled like I did, you may be wondering if you will ever get free. You should know that you can stop and live a happy fulfilling life free from compulsive sexual behavior as long as you're willing to be honest and do the work. With this attitude and the right guidance, maintaining abstinence can be easy and automatic.

“Russell demonstrated a dedicated compassionate spirit while treating our clients that was admirable”

-Lorraine Umana, RN, BSN, COTA

"Russell has been a kind and experienced mentor to me for many years. He has a great deal of personal as well as professional knowledge about recovery. He combines a compassionate approach while still holding me accountable in my own recovery. The work he and I have done together has personally helped me to rebuild my life from its very foundations."

-Michael F. - Massachusetts

Still Have Concerns About Sex Addiction Therapy?

  • What if it does WORK? This is not a reason not to try. What’s the worst that could happen? Rather than looking at the “cost of doing this” try to ask yourself “what is the cost of NOT doing this”. If you do the work you will get the results.

  • We work with your schedule and make this work for you so you are able to recover while continuing to do the things you need to do in your life. Think about how much time you spend acting out. If you spend even a fraction of that time on your treatment/recovery you will be 100% successful. If you make time for acting out you can make time for recovery!

  • Have you been able to stop on your own? When you have made a decision to stop in the past, were you able to do it? If you answered “NO” to either of those questions then you need the support and help.

  • As a sex addiction therapist I know how important it is for you to feel comfortable disclosing sensitive information so you can rest assured that everything we talk about in therapy remains completely private. You are 100% safe to talk about anything at all.

Contact Me Now To Get Started

If you would like to schedule a free 20 minute introduction to see if sex addiction therapy with me is the right fit for you, reach out by calling or texting (781) 382-8035 -or- contact me below by clicking the contact button.


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